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Food Dance FUN

Our Food Dance FUN program provides fun and educational cooking, gardening, homesteading experiences/classes/materials for kids and adults, so they can find joy in food and cooking and be more mindful and sustainable in their practices.

  • Play with Your Food is a science cookbook for kids of all ages.  It will be coming out this fall and is targeted towards elementary ages 5-12, but can be educational for and enjoyed by teens and adults as well.  It will teach cooking related science principles such as, dehydration, fermentation, polymerization, pH (acids/bases), states of water, photosynthesis, solar energy, and more through fun healthy recipes.
    Our follow up book will be gardening based for the same age group, available in spring.


  • Cooking in Couture is a video cooking program focusing on those new to cooking (teens, busy college students) or any parents or professionals that are looking for ways save time in the kitchen while providing delicious healthy food options.


  • Recipes is simply where you will find all of our delicious quick and easy recipes (in pdf)


  • Rep 'n' Reward offers fun ways to Donate to Food Dance while representing us at the same time in a sustainable manner.  We will offer a number of reusable kitchen items and cards made from sustainable and responsibly sourced materials.


We are based in the US and books/videos will be available in English, but will work on providing additional translations of books in the coming year for increased accessibility. 

All videos will be available on our Website and YouTube channel with free (no-fee) access to all.

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